Wednesday, December 25, 2013

MERRY MERRY Christmas!!

Andersen's Ice Cream Log Cake 

Chocolate Mousse Log Cake

What a Christmas Eve gathering with my beloved cousins and nieces and nephew! Had a great time gathering and chatting since we had not meet up for quite sometime! Had lots of food and drinks! We even had 2 log cakes to celebrate the Christmas eve! Received lots of gifts from them and I am happy to have such a family! 

Fun shot
This was a shot taken for the fun of it. It tell a story! Both my nephew and niece are busy using Instagram on their phones while my younger niece on the left side of the picture is wondering " What are those two doing?" :)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Meet my New Toy - A Christmas Gift ( THE SONY A7)

What a Beauty this camera is! Finally Got my hands on a full frame camera at a price point which is seemingly cheaper than the Nikons and the Canons! Having to own a Sony A55 myself, i am able to understand how the camera works and also having to experience some of its new features as well for example NFC ( Near Field Communication) and Wifi, peaking mode etc! I can use back some of my old lenses with the adaptor as you can see beside the camera!! A great Camera for  my Christmas gift from my dad! Hope to take wonderful shots with my new camera!! 

Christmas Tree AT Takashimaya
Here is a sample image of a christmas tree from Takashimaya shopping mall at the main hall!